

Overall, Dynamic is the best practice standard. With the Hardware and Software Technology currently in place the downside of the Dynamic IP Addressing Scheme has been countered. In a best practice network Static is used for Important Servers, Routers, and specific peripherals that require high demand consistent access. Other peripherals should be given a reservation in the Dynamic Addressing Server or DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) Server which will give the ease of Dynamic Addressing with the consistency of Static Addressing when they need consistent access, e.g. Printers, Scanners, IP Cameras.



Static IP Addressing: This type of addressing is when all computers or devices on a network are manually given specific IP Addresses.

Dynamic IP Addressing: This type of addressing is when most computers or devices on a network are given an address by a DHCP Server.



Static IP Addressing: Full Control of Network Resources connectivity to network.

Dynamic IP Addressing: Plug-and-Play Network connectivity, Network wide network changes without having to touch each machine, Collision Detection and Reallocation of IPs.



Static IP Addressing: High Operation Overhead, Any Network change has to be done manually to all machines.

Dynamic IP Addressing: Decreased Network Security with Plug-and-Play Network.